A stripped down Reiki course for those wanting Reiki for self-care, to balance and relax. Short, easy videos and 6 guided meditations. A simple and effective way to manage stress, anxiety and improve wellbeing.
Study Content
1. Reiki Basics: how you get Reiki, how you use it, allowing the flow of Reiki through your body, understanding how Reiki can bring more balance to your health and wellbeing.
2. Using Reiki for yourself: what to watch for, trying it for yourself, the self-attunement
3. Practical Reiki Healing Meditations:
Local pain relief
Better sleep
Relaxation and calming
Resetting the immune system
Intuitive messages
Changing habits
Reiki, Pure and Simple
The basic of Reiki for those wanting to learn for their own home use. Please note this is not a Certification Reiki 1 course
Short videos explaining Reiki in easy terms with subtitles
A short 5 minute healing audio to help you bring Reiki into your hands yourself
6 further longer meditations to help you manage a range of common issues and to see how you can use Reiki