Part of the Global Reiki Survey asked respondents for any "wow" stories they had experienced with Reiki. We got over 1,000 amazing stories, we have tried to fit as many in here as we can...enjoy!

A client who had known me for many years before Reiki, had a stroke and was told she needed a serious operation to assure she would not have another, death was predicted, if she didn't receive the operation. She called me and said, "I don't have a good feeling about this operation, I don't think I'll survive it. I'd rather let nature take its course; however, I'd like to add Reiki sessions to help nature along." She received three Reiki sessions a week for over a year (about 9 months after she was supposed to have died from complications). We dropped those to two a week for another year. Then to one a week for the rest of her life, which was about twenty years. Her blood pressure normalized, medications dropped by half in most cases, and she never had another stroke. Healing from the first stroke - she was a music professor at a local university when the stroke occurred - she decided to go back to school to get a degree in elementary school education and she worked for many years teaching music to children in public schools - with the use of one arm. She bought a specialized car so she could drive herself to school and back. She may not have "cured" physically (going back to where she had been before the stroke) but she "healed" magnificently in all areas of her life.
Penelope J, USA
I have had a distance healing session that I dedicated to my father and I could feel something filling the room that made me calm and relaxed and it helped me get through my fear of loosing a loved one.
Judit B, United Kingdom
The fact that I'm able to walk at all!!!!
Carl A, USA
I did Reiki on a sick cat of ours, Sherlock and that was over a year ago. Today she is 100% improved and getting better all the time. She is no longer emotionally distant either. She was close to dying.
Penny Phillips, USA
When I sensed stuck or thick energy in my friends heart and lung region and my friend felt fine. In the middle of the night was rushed to the hospital with pneumonia . Was very sick for a month. Amazed us both.
Mary H, USA
I sent Reiki to a friend’s dog after he ingested a large object. The initial diagnosis was bleak: surgery required but a low percentage of full recovery. After sending Reiki and helping the owner communicate with her pet prior to surgery, the dog not only made it through surgery but had a quick and full recovery. The vets were amazed. Later, when I met the dog in person for the first time he came over to me and rubbed his head and body into me as way of thanks.
Donna H, USA
My friend had a car accident and she was in coma, she had a broken leg and few other bones, a head injury, and few cuts. After 9 months, she could walk and live a pretty normal life. I, with a group of Reiki people, helped her all the time.
Dubravka K, Serbia
This is weird, but I think it was surrounding myself in Reiki through the last 2 years of cancer scares. As a nurse I know all that can go wrong/be wrong at my age and I normally would have been nervous, anxious, traumatized. My religious belief and Reiki practice together, put a blanket of calm and an assurance that I would be in good hands and through the process of care that all would be ok. It was. I always felt surrounded by healing, love and light and have been guided to the right Dr.’s and the right care plans.
A repeat wow! My brother suffered a major heart attack in Massachusetts, where the smallish hospital they took him to rejected him so that he had to go farther, to a bigger hospital. By the time he got there, he had no pulse and no breathing. It was a real crisis, but eventually they resuscitated him, with the sad comment to his wife that he would "probably be a vegetable for life." At that point she called me in Colorado, and I called my daughter in Seattle. The two of us started sending Reiki immediately—and the next morning he was up and walking and talking! The hospital staff had nicknamed him "Miracle Man." My brother had a PhD in esoteric levels of science, and had struggled conscientiously to believe in Reiki to please me, but without success. He couldn't make it jibe with his science. Now he found that he had an even harder time making it all fit—but a few years later when his daughter had some severe health problems he found himself asking me to send Reiki. And his daughter came through just fine, as did his hesitant belief in "Wows", outside his realm.
Nancy K, USA
I got a phone call one night sometime after 11:00, from a woman I did not know. She had awakened that morning with her vision blurred. As the day went on, it had become worse until by 10:00 she was almost totally blind. She had called her daughter, who was driving in from out of state to drive her to her Dr.'s office the next day. Her daughter gave her my number and told her to call me. How her daughter got my number I will never know. Anyway, we talked for a while and I explained Reiki to her and got her permission to use it on her. I told her about a woman with a broken arm, who the doctors had temporarily set her arm and told her to come back the next day to get it x-rayed again and put a cast on it. Two of us worked on her for about an hour. The next morning she came in to tell us that the new x-rays did not show a break. Her doctor was baffled, but because she had very little bruising and almost no swelling he told her to keep it immobile for a couple of days and call him if it began to cause her pain. She felt that the break had healed overnight. She did not have any further trouble with that arm. I told her about our work with a psychologist, who used us to help her connect with patients who could not open up. I told her about chemo patients, who found relief from side effects. And aids patients, and rape victims. Finally I told her to go to sleep and let Reiki do the rest. The next morning she called with the news that her vision had returned and she felt great. She agreed to go see her doctor anyway. For a while, she called occasionally to let me know she was doing fine until we moved to South America for five years. I have witnessed miracles as the result of my Reiki practice but this story is one of my favorites.
Donna, USA
Fully healing of ovarian cysts - Doctors were shocked by my clients change in situation.
Roop Singh Sagar, United Kingdom
I was quite wowed at how my thumb nail had recovered. I had slammed the car door on my thumb, which was extremely painful...without even thinking about it, I had covered my thumb into my other hand and immediately the healing began. After treatment, I didn't focus too much on it. About half of the top of my nail was black. A few days later my thumb was in pain and decided to prick a needle through the nail. I covered my thumb again sending Reiki. My new nail since then has grown back beautifully.
Jo, South Africa
Friend of mine was visiting Las Vegas and I got call that she had serious migraine. I gave distance Reiki from India and in few minutes she was fine and continued her journey.
Manish Joshi, India
My mother got type 2 diabetes at the age of 74. It was discovered accidently and was severe. She did not want to inject insulin and agreed with the doctor to use a certain type of medicine pill which is known and that is very good, but for many it's hard to find the right dose. She has Reiki and was able to treat herself and immediately it worked perfectly on her and in 8 years she is only using a half/quarter a pill per day and might be able to leave it in the future. Her blood sugar levels are perfect with this tiny dose, which is amazing considering the starting severe situation.
Minna H, Finland
Heart attack at age 30, doctors didn't find until my mid forties. 45% of heart was damaged yet I've been back country-skiing up mountains, scuba diving and still active with no parts in my body.
Tammy F, USA
The regression of my cancer is just amazing. I am receiving a monthly regimen of injections of a specific cancer treatment, now in the 5th year of that. But I firmly believe that the incredible news I received from my oncologist this past month after his review of the pet scan had everything to do with my involvement in Reiki now.
Early on in my Reiki life, I had a client who was receiving Reiki for the 1st time. I kept having my hands pulled to a certain spot on her leg, no matter where I went else where on her, my hands were physically being pulled to this spot. I advised her to see her doctor because it felt like something was wrong, a few days later she called me because she had a blood clot.
Brooke, USA
Reiki helped me in healing from cancer.
Alicia Z, Argentina
A friend was feeling awful and I gave her Reiki and by the morning she felt stupendous. Reiki is so wonderful!
Cherrie H, USA
I started using it on back pain from a military injury. I was receiving injections for pain and movement. My husband had rushed me to the ER for injections, CT scan and I was unable to move my arms or legs. I received urgent care, then released. My husband had to do everything for me. Which really makes a person feel helpless. I stumbled across Reiki. I had nothing to lose. I tried it! I was able to start walking. I conditioned myself to keep trying it. A week passed and I was able to use my arms. I stopped taking the meds as they were not working anyway. Within a month, I was walking without a walker. I practiced daily and the back pain has been gone, no meds, no more injections. Reiki is definitely my “wow” factor!!
Before taking Reiki 2, I allowed myself to be an emotionally abusive relationship. After learning Reiki 2 I began to work on myself and worked up the courage to end the abusive relationship and move forward with my life. I will be forever thankful to Reiki for that.
Jeff B, USA
I used Reiki to help get pregnant after 2 1/2 years of unexplained infertility. I gave myself treatments focused on strengthening my womb and making it receptive to pregnancy and life creation. My husband and I found out we were pregnant less than a year after my focused self-treatments. I also used Reiki to aide in pain relief during labor. I used the symbols as a way to center my focus away from any pain I was experiencing.
J. St Amand, USA
Self-Reiki and Reiki from my husband (also Reiki master) healed cancerous cells on the uterine cervix.
BS, Switzerland
A friend of mine was experiencing significant back pains and I only had my level one. I had no clue how to send Reiki nor did I hesitate to send and they told me that it was like golden energy and sparks around them. Their pain dissolved and, they were amazed that day about Reiki and my sharing the good energies.
Christina B, Canada
I had a client visit me who was in early stage of a bereavement. She had originally been given a gift certificate for reflexology. I felt strongly this was not what she needed. So gently I explained what I felt on that day and I was drawn to offer her Reiki. She accepted and during the treatment, I experienced deep empathy of her emotional pain. I asked for healing and love. After the treatment she asked what warm object had I placed on her heart area. I said no, I hadn’t placed an object. She explained she felt a deep warm pressure on her heart that Had made her feel calm and loved. She said it was the first time she experienced peace and relaxed since her husband had died some months earlier.
Karen L, United Kingdom
The positive Reiki experience days before a biopsy lead to an almost anxiety free state of mind while going through the procedure and waiting for the test results. Before Reiki, I suffered severe anxiety and had panic attacks. I haven't had anymore.
Marie Antoinette N, USA
Reiki has helped me heal layers and layers of old anger. It helped me healing from sexual abuse as a child. It helped me love and accept my body. The Reiki I gave helped lots of women heal from emotional wounds, anger, anxiety and fears. It helped kids heal from stuttering, night terror, hyperactivity, gaining self-confidence.
Mireille Hammal, Lebanon
Treated my friend's wife who had been hospitalized for at least two weeks with cancer treatment complications. She took a sudden turn for the better and actually went home for the first time in two plus weeks.
Robert F, USA
I offer Reiki to horses and the most significant experience I've had to date was with a horse named Remi, who was colicking. He was in a lot of discomfort, acting very out of character and visibly upset. I began offering him Reiki from outside of his stall until he calmed down so that I could safely enter. As soon as I entered, he pointed towards his stomach, and I concentrated the flow there. After a few minutes, he began moving around me and backed himself right into my hands. I understood this to mean that the area most impacted was in his rectum. He began licking and chewing and after several minutes more, I continued the flow and brought him out to walk (helps keep the juices in the gut flowing so they don't cramp and twist) until the vet came. Reiki helped Remi feel more comfortable and relaxed while we waited for the vet to come in and remove the blockages.
KM, Canada
Through distance healing, I was able to relieve my mom of severe back pain and help her sleep more soundly.
Leslie R, USA
A Reiki practitioner who was working on me recommended that I seek medical attention for something she was picking up in a certain part of my body; it turned out that I had cancer. Luckily, because of that fairly early diagnosis, I went through surgeries and am now celebrating 9 years cancer-free!
Melanie E, Canada
I sent distant Reiki to my sister and her husband who were showing signs of covid-19. By the end of our hour session, their fevers went down a degree. When they woke up the next morning, they felt much better but not 100%. They were not taking medication at that time.
Sarah G, USA
A woman who had lost a pregnancy and when my husband and I were doing Reiki on her we witnessed her release of emotion of loss. We later found out that she had a successful pregnancy soon after. She proclaimed the Reiki to be a hand in the outcome!
Mentally I was dealing with an illness and not coping well. Reiki has allowed me to accept the illness and has given me back my cheery disposition and all round happiness.
JP, Ireland
I gave Reiki to my sister who was 60 at the time, shortly after my Level 2 training, whilst we were on a weekend trip together. She was not really aware of Reiki healing. At the end of the session I asked her how it was. She said she felt a deep relaxation, which she enjoyed but didn’t realise I would put so much pressure on her foot!? I had at all times (as in Usui Reiki) used only light touch against the foot and in the auric field. She was much amazed at this revelation as she said it was just one foot and it felt as if I was pushing hard. In the morning, she was quite excited and told me this was the first time in several months that she had been able to get out of bed and walk immediately on her feet without pain. The foot she had experienced the pressure on, had been tender and tingling with pain and hypersensitivity upon waking for some months and she used to have to spend 5 min’s our more rubbing and massaging before being able to walk. Since that day it continued to cause no problems and almost a year later, she has had no further re-occurring issues.
Sonia H, United Kingdom
I work as a psychiatrist in a clinic. I performed Reiki on some of the doctors who had toothaches, headaches, etc. They were amazed that the pain was gone after on the spot Reiki.
Marian Lambros, USA
My husband doesn't believe in Reiki or my spiritual life but after suffering gout he asked me to Reiki him. He could feel the energy and was so shocked that it healed his gout. Also friends on the other side of the world, when giving Reiki I could feel their pains and suffering and they could feel the healing.
Tracy, United Kingdom
I am a professor at an engineering college. Through Reiki, I have achieved confidence and gratitude towards every aspect of my profession.
Dhanashree, India
Having lived through my brother being murdered, my nephew being convicted of dreadful crimes to then die in prison, my mother diagnosed with a brain tumour and my husband diagnosed with leukemia on the same day, my daughter suffering for years with severe chronic fatigue syndrome, and all the caring I have undertaken for the people I love, I did not think I could ever feel peace or hope again. Reiki helped me to find myself again beneath all the pain and fear and has literally changed my life.
CB, Australia
Sciatic on an elderly lady - I gave her 4 sessions with the first one being very powerful that l could even feel strong sensations up to my elbows and l was shaking. The elderly lady went from not being able to move to walking up the stairs straight.
Julie Dawn W, United Kingdom
It helped me in my business as well as in my family for healing my sister-in-laws slipped disk.
Dhiren Patel, India
What got me into Reiki was when I first met one of my mentors. She guided me to connecting with my inner child and during the flow of Reiki she could see my soul connecting with my inner child, dancing around holding hands. There was this release of my past that came with it. It was such joyous moment.
Michelle C, Canada
I healed my digestion problems, migraines, hormonal issues and toothache. All through daily Reiki.
Khristine B, USA
After giving Reiki to a young person with kidney stones and feeling the stones breaking apart and dissolving. Her scan showed that was exactly what had happened.
Cate G, Australia
Healing in 3 days after major eye surgery.
Mike T, South Africa
I did a distant Reiki on my brother-in-law. He had a stroke, had memory loss and limited ability to walk and use his right hand. Following the distant Reiki his memory had improved and he was able to use his right hand.
Marj P, Canada
I gave someone Reiki for chronic back pain, and it disappeared.
P. Spence, Scotland
The energy in the house has changed for the better and both mine and my child’s mental health has changed.
DM, United Kingdom
I had two people doing Reiki on me and my neck popped back into place while they were not even touching me.
Sandra D, USA
My friend had migraines and when I do Reiki on her, she feels 10 times better.
Destiny Peterson-Bacca, USA
I am completely healed of IBS.
Pradeep Patil Bellary, India
I had a co-worker who had a headache because of spine misalignment. I gave her some Reiki and her vertebra moved, she felt it and I saw it! She was better after.
Tracy J, USA
My dog was diagnosed with kidney/adrenal failure last year. Upon diagnosis her diet was changed, probiotics were given, and regular fluid treatments were given. She was not coming back around. During the middle of the night any chance I got; I would send her long distant Reiki until one morning she went from 13 to puppy like energy; that eventually stabilized but she is still with me almost a year later. That in its elf helped to heal her and my heart.
I had neck problems that I could not seem to overcome - with chiropractic, osteopathy, etc. During a Reiki share night we were asked to work on only one issue that the 'client' had. My partner worked on my neck for 15 minutes and the issue was gone. She felt much energy about the neck during the healing. So glad to have had that evening with her.
Lynda JV, Canada
My husband's pain has been relieved almost immediately following Reiki treatments.
Margie A, USA
It calmed my 93 yr. old mother who was suffering from dementia. I would Reiki her when she had anxious episodes. It also helped me get through her passing.
My first treatment, the patient was healed of TMJ immediately, medically documented.
Rev. Dr. Beth Barrows, USA
I have a lot of stories, a nice one is about a little dog that now walks again after I treated her with Reiki for 3 months.
Maria Stella Fagiolo, Italy
A friend’s father was ill, he came for a session. It was like he had Parkinson’s, but he didn't. After his session he got up and walked out as straight as if he had not been shaking at all. His wife said it was like getting a new husband.
Jga01, Scotland
I was doing some Reiki for homeless people in a shelter. This person lying down was full of stress ticks. The corner of his eyes blinking, muscles tense, 15min into the session all that disappeared, and he melted into the table. His face and muscles relaxed. It was beautiful to witness.
Marion H, Germany
Seeing my husband, who is a veteran, let go of some much anger and need to control, after receiving monthly Reiki treatments.
I didn't use to feel comfortable around people, I felt too vulnerable if I showed my true face. Thanks to Reiki, I realized the problem wasn't them, but me. I opened up in time and realized people are wonderful beings. Overall, I accept, I love and respect myself and others more now.
J.M, Serbia
My friend couldn't start chemo because her white blood cell count was low on the Friday, had a Reiki session on the weekend and on Monday got re-tested and her white blood cell count had increased enough to have chemo.
R. Ramnath, South Africa
My first encounter with Reiki. My 5 year old daughter fell while running and got a cut on her knee, on the way to the hospital my brother had his hand over the cut, which was bleeding, I was amazed that the bleeding stopped and she was not crying. When we got to the hospital the nurses remarked that they could see that healing had started, there was no bleeding, my daughter got 13 stitches. She told the nurses that her Uncle Ken had magic hands.
SW, Grenada, Caribbean
I went from having a "breakdown" to teaching Mindfulness because of Reiki. Everything in my life has improved since then. I have let go of a lot of trauma that was holding me back. I have grown into a more loving and nurturing person. Through teaching I have helped others on their own healing journeys, it is simply amazing.
Tammy, Canada
My friend was ill for weeks and had to travel for work. I sent him distance Reiki and cleared a blockage in his kidneys. He felt better immediately after Reiki. His doctors had given him 3 rounds of antibiotics that did not help him before I sent Reiki. He couldn't believe the relief he received from my healing.
Valerie M, USA
I treated a friend with a frozen left shoulder some years ago. During the session whilst I was working on the lower half of her body, her arms moved slowly up and down. Afterwards she said she felt as if someone was moving her arms for her - she wasn't consciously moving them herself. I suggested she rested after the session and she told me the next day that both her arms had continued to be moved up and down very slowly for over 2 hours. When she rang me the next morning she had as much mobility in her left shoulder as in her right. She had no more pain from that shoulder and no recurrence of the injury.
Carol W, Falkland Islands
Reiki helped an Iraq vet significantly with PTSD.
Christina L, USA
Before Reiki I could barely walk up and down stairs. I had to hold and use the rail and it was very painful and scary. Now I can run up and down them pain and worry free without the need to hold onto the rail.
Marsha C, USA
One time my mother fell down some stairs and broke the top of her foot. I was with her and picked her up and put her in the back of the car and drove her to the hospital. The whole drive there I placed my hand on her ankle and foot and when we got to the hospital the break had set already. All the medical team did was put a cast on her and it healed in a faster than average time span for a woman in her 40s.
Mark AB, USA
I was always short of self-expression. One day after a year of doing my level 2 Reiki I got some urge of writing a few lines of lyrics. After that in dramatic way I produced and released an album with 8 songs written by myself. Reiki opened me to the level that I am writing a screenplay. Now I am full of energy to produce a movie with an insight of Reiki. It will be in my mother language i.e. Nepali. Everything happens dramatically. Thanks to the Reiki, the divine light. I feel wow, wow and wow.
Shyam, India
My dog was given a few days to live. My husband, students and I began giving him Reiki at every opportunity. The little guy lasted another 18 months, happy, and enjoying life, until his transition. My Vet was astounded and said, "whatever you are doing, just keep on doing it."
Sharyn B, USA
Shoo, there’s too many but the one that comes to mind is of a client who was diagnosed for the second time of cancer in lungs, pancreas and liver and the oncologist found that the chemotherapy was not helping anymore, and they gave up. She came to me and we did Reiki and a specific meditation which I do every 3 weeks and it is now about 6 years and she is cancer free. How great is that!
Sakuntia Kapitan, South Africa
My dog had serious dental problems, I was told by my vet he'd probably bleed out, or it would spread to his brain. I did Reiki on him for about 2 weeks. I took him to the vet again, and she was amazed at his improvement - "I've never seen anything like it."
Pat B, USA
My sister's ex had a serious injury and I was able to help him feel immediate relief. He was not a believer before that but was astonished by the change he felt.
Chadra C, USA
I was in an accident and I broke my spine in three areas. I also broke and fractured two discs in my neck. The healing that I received from Reiki fixed me where I can walk or run short distances without a cane as well as medium pain.
Ben, USA
I was on antidepressants before Reiki and I'm off them completely now.
Sarah-Jane H, United Kingdom
I've had a lot of success with helping women empower themselves against narcissistic abuse.
Nicky M, England
A client who is a health worker, had no confidence in himself and was continually making bad decisions across the board. Reiki helped him focus, first with his school work and then with his licensing boards and continues to be helpful to him in his personal life and decision making.
Marianne R, USA
A lot of my Reiki has been distance. A relative was working away from home in the middle of the mountains and their leg began hurting. It was a known pain but they weren't sure if they would be able to walk back to the car 10 miles away. By giving them a few short sessions of Reiki whilst they were in the field and then a longer session overnight their leg was completely fine. What was even more amazing is that they are now complete Reiki converts and I hadn't expected them to embrace it so fully.
Cris M, Scotland
I twisted my weak ankle and I applied Reiki to it immediately. I noticed how quickly the pain lessened, and it didn't swell like normal. Normally when I twist my ankle, it's very painful and hard to walk on for a couple of days!
Rebecca C, Canada
Friends of mine have a cat, Stewart, a rescue with a history of abuse. They were at wits' end. He would not come out of the basement, was anti-social, untrusting, kept to himself, sad, and they wondered if he might have brain damage (he was thrown (hurled) on a regular basis by a child). I suggested a distance Reiki meditation for Stewart, I sent a text at the end of a distance Reiki session and I got an immediate text back asking me what I'd just done - Stewart came up out of the basement, laid on the kitchen floor, and agreed to have his photograph taken (so my friend could show me what Stewart looked like) - they said in minutes he'd suddenly become relaxed, confident, and while he kept a social distance, friendly. He has, over-time, become comfortable with himself and is at home in the household, the other household cats (I now offer Reiki to anyone under my friend's care) I offer Stewart Reiki every Thursday, and my friend says he lays in a certain spot and waits. He's become a completely different cat, his sense of humor has awakened, and he is enjoying his life.
Linda, USA
A friend with severe back pain of many years, wanted to try Reiki. One side of his lower back felt 'cold', while the other side felt 'warm'. After an hour Reiki treatment, the 'cold' sensation that I felt, was gone. That was 3 years ago, and the pain has not returned. It was fun to feel the energy block in his back, get released.
Medora O, USA
We were told by doctors that my husband would have brain damage and was sent home to die. 10 years on he is still living a normal life at 70 years old and does far more that any 50 year old could do.
Josie M, South Africa
Elderly friend had leukemia. Gave her Reiki session. She didn't need blood transfusion for a month and had lots of energy. We were both amazed.
Michele C, USA
My sweet kitty had eye problems for over 10 years. When he and I started to do regular Reiki sessions they cleared up. When symptoms started to reappear, he’d jump up in my lap for a session. After a while his eyes were completely clear for the rest of his 18 years of life.
I honestly believe that receiving Reiki sessions while undergoing cancer treatments made the medication work better and helped me into remission faster. I was so relaxed and stress free it truly made me feel better.
Norm D, USA
I have a client who has lyme disease and who has been in pain for as long as she could remember. She tried everything from western medicine to help with the pain and nothing ever did. After one Reiki healing session, she was pain free. The pain comes back in small doses now when her stress is high, but nothing like before.
Kristi R, USA
The daughter of a friend lived in Shanghai and was receiving chemotherapy for Stage 4 breast cancer. When her mother told me, I asked if they wanted Reiki. Both answered YES! My friend [B] confirmed it with her daughter [C] and had a first request: could I work on her bowels, as she was having severe reaction to that week’s chemo. I told B that Reiki didn't necessarily go where I wanted it to, but I'd add a focus. After the next phone call, C wanted B to ask "what did she do?" The bowel eruptions cleared, and C could get off the bathroom floor. Over the weeks, C continued her flights and train rides to get her chemo in Hong Kong; I never knew when, but gave her Reiki at least four times a week, and my friend at least two times a week, all distant. There were many other pointed requests along the way, each resulting in a positive outcome. After several months, C was examined: was she ready for surgery? Had the tumor shrunk enough? (We're not even talking about the places it had spread in her body.) All I knew when I started was that C was Stage 4, there was metastasis, and the doctors were using an experimental cocktail of chemotherapy that they actually didn't think would work, but, hey, they had to do something. When B reported the outcome of the examination, the tumor had gone from the size of a large plum to the size of a peanut sans shell. Yes, there was still cancer in her spine, but it was reduced. They could perform a lumpectomy rather than radical mastectomy, and she could have radiation after she'd healed enough. So, what did the Reiki do? I know that B relaxed enough to exit her state of constant turmoil. She wasn't seeing a physician of any sort for help, but each time I gave her distant Reiki she'd ask the next day if I'd done something. C felt like the Reiki had to have helped. The doctors handling her case were dumbfounded, never expecting the significant reduction in the tumor size. I can't say for sure but felt that the Reiki and I at least brought positive energy to the situation along with a distant calming presence.
Heidi W, USA
I treated a gentleman who had his colon removed and was in constant pain. Even morphine didn’t help him. After two weeks of one daily treatment, he felt significantly better and after another 4 weeks with treatment twice per week the pain was gone. It lasted about 3 months before the pain came back and he needed more treatments.
Barbara G, Australia
A client came in wanting to have children and had been trying for years, we worked on many of the emotional issues stored in this area, releasing deep felt pain, self worth and attachments to family patterns and empowered her as a woman. She fell pregnant almost immediately following that session and has had a beautiful little girl.
FM, Australia
I was pregnant with twins and one wasn’t going to make it. I did Reiki during my pregnancy and she was born and is now a healthy baby.
Randi, USA
After my Dad died, I was in a Reiki sharing group that met twice a month. I think it helped me through my grieving process.
Helen V, USA
I was standing in line behind a lady with a dog. The dog came and sat at my feet. I began to stroke the dog and Reiki started to flow. The dog visibly relaxed and started moving his body along my hand from his head to his tail. He kept my hand on each part of his body for about a minute then moved himself along. I explained what was happening to his owner who said the dog was suffering from cancer and must have sensed the Reiki and wanted healing. I agree and hope I helped him in some way.
IH, United Kingdom
While dating a woman for 2 years she sadly contracted Hopkins disease , an aggressive form of blood leukemia back in 2000 & 2001. After receiving Reiki every day from me she experienced very little side effects from the chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Being a tiny built woman and knowing how aggressive and unrelenting this disease often is, especially back then, medically speaking, the health care doctors and professionals were all very pleasantly surprised by her physical condition because of her few after symptoms and suggested to continue to keep doing whatever it is that you’ve been doing. They were clearly & gratefully amazed.
That was the WOW moment for me.
Bodhi, USA
My client has an autistic child and after Reiki (she had several sessions) informed me that she is better able to cope with her child by having more patience and less frustration.
Julia C, USA
Lighten the heaviness and migraine felt by my spouse due to her depression which empowered and motivated her to learn Reiki to self-heal herself and pulled herself out of depression.
Alvie T, Australia
I was giving distant Reiki to someone in a coma like state, she was dying and she woke up for a short time and she and her family got to say goodbye. The family was grateful.
Linda B, USA
One of my dogs had broken its tail. The vet couldn't plaster the tail and said that we must wait for two weeks. With distant Reiki, the vertebrae on the tail was healed within five days.
Frederic B, France
My daughter ripped her fingernail off, it got infected and she was hysterical with pain. I stayed with her and performed Reiki on her, and she felt the pain lift away!
LA, United Kingdom
A cat had gotten a bad deformation on one ear, looked a little like a cauliflower. After Reiki it disappeared completely after hours.
Elisabeth A
When walking home one night in the dark with 7 friends I fell into an unmarked pot hole - 3 feet deep and badly gashed my hand. My friends helped me climb out of the hole and gave me tissues and handkerchiefs to stem and mop up the blood. I was bleeding profusely. When I was rescued and back on the sidewalk, I held my hand and sent Reiki to the wound. After five minutes my friends wanted to look at the injury to assess if I should go to hospital. I removed the temporary bandages which were soaked in blood and to my and everyone's amazement there was no wound. No hole, no injury or even scar - nothing just a perfectly normal looking hand. If there hadn't been several well blood soaked bandages, handkerchiefs and tissues and 7 witnesses we would not have believed it ourselves! Truly a miracle.
Getting off of several medications has been a huge win for me. I am also currently working on getting off of more of the medications that I haven't been able to do in the past. Reiki has helped me in my physical and emotional wellbeing, so I love healing myself and others in my practice.
Lorilei, USA
Helped with healing my PTSD
Paula, United Kingdom
I was diagnosed with Lichens Sclerosis 5 years ago and with all of the typical medical treatment, I was resistant to healing and remission. After taking the Master level training 6 months ago, within 6 weeks I went into remission. There is no cure for this disorder.
A colleague fell off a bus in London, injured her ankle, was hospitalized and it didn't heal properly. Two years later, I saw her. Sent distance healing and did hands on in one day. The next morning, she told me the swelling in her ankle was much less and she had never seen that in two years. She was more comfortable now than in the past 2 years. We were both overjoyed.
Lyn, USA
My cockatiel was at the bottom of his cage I had only had him for a few days but he must have fallen from his swing and was in shock. I placed my hand on his back and there was what felt like a pulse of energy went from my hand the next thing he was upon his perch wondering what had just happened. The next day he stepped up for the first time then he got off and climbed back on, from that day on he had two minutes Reiki each day. The average lifespan is 20 years. He was with me from 1980 to 2016.
Kevin W, United Kingdom
Completely releasing chronic insomnia.
James, United Kingdom
I was experiencing burnout, was anxious and depressed and hadn't thought to give myself Reiki. I eventually did so and also went to a Reiki share and this was the start of my recovery
Vicky McL, United Kingdom
A "Wow” Story is, when I and another Reiki Master sent distance Reiki to someone who had fractured a bone in their heel. The heel fracture healed in just a few days - absolutely astounding the doctor - according to the other Reiki Master and the before and after photos.
A person who had lots of pain in neck and shoulders. Tried so many things. And within 4 weeks no pain at all and no medication needed.
Lara van Wijk, Netherlands
I was having serious issues with vertigo but after receiving Reiki from two students that my teacher was training, my symptoms got remarkably better.
Kristenjl, USA
I did 3 sessions, long distance for a lame goat. I saw that he had an infection in his shoulder. It disappeared after two sessions.
Lisa G, USA
The biggest wow for me was walking away from alcohol. It played a huge part in my life. I used it to feel confident, it became a crutch. It was not healthy for me or the choices I made under the influence. When I did my detox for Reiki 1 I decided to give up alcohol for 1 month. This was a huge step for me as drinking was at the very heart of my social life with friends. Over that month I was able to see the part alcohol played in my life and the negative choices I was making for me and the impact it had on my family. I drank in excess and I became a different person.
Bringing Reiki into my life enabled me to leave that lifestyle behind me. Since starting the detox for my Reiki level 1 I never returned to alcohol it has been life changing for me. I have been able to be confident on my own and always aim to be me as that is when I feel most content and know that everything is and will be alright.
Pauline B, England
The biggest "wow" was soon after I did Reiki 2. A friend called me to come and give Reiki to a visiting elderly Swiss lady. I knew nothing about her. In those early days I was following the Reiki rule book of the 12 hand positions, so I started at her head was about to put my hands over her neck and upper chest area when something stooped me and instead I moved to the ribs and abdomen area and continued on her legs and feet. She was fast asleep by then so I did not want to disturb her to turn over, so I went back to her abdomen area but again stopped at the upper chest and neck area. She was delighted after waking. She had thyroid cancer and had a radioactive implant for her therapy. She also suffered from insomnia and severe water retention and had not passed urine for 2 days. Not only did she urinate properly for the rest of her 3 day stay but slept soundly every night, too!
Tessa, Malaysia/Singapore
Reiki helped to ground me when I had a period of feeling extremely ungrounded.
Keith, Singapore
Great for stress and sleep.
L Waller, Australia
Healing of hot liquid/metal scalding injury - works really well on both myself and two colleagues I tried on.
Sunny L, Singapore
Reiki had helped to heal coma conditions for my father, heal skin rashes for my dog, heal the inner child of my husband. They are all wows.
Patricia, Singapore
My friend who was quite skeptical agreed to have a treatment. This first treatment had a profound effect on her, bringing a sense of peace in her life. This was one of my earliest experiences. However, this friend brought along one of her own friends who was not known to me. This lady had a fibromyalgia condition which had been ongoing for over a year, from which she had constant body pain and as a consequence very poor sleep pattern. Following a single treatment, the lady received several days of significant pain relief and her quality of sleep for several nights were 'the best ever in her life', which is how she described the effects. This was probably the single most encouraging feedback I had received to date. DEFINITELY a wow moment for me, but I am so grateful on the lady’s behalf. I recall this feedback when I am going through a time of discouragement.
Paul P, United Kingdom
My back pain and headaches are gone!
GV, Turkey
I gave someone Reiki before a hip operation. She got off the couch and walked without a stick out of the clinic room.
Angela F, England
I had a huge breakthrough with unresolved issues with my mother that have been ongoing for many years.
My first experience of Reiki was with my teacher. Within minutes of starting to treat me I began to cry and proceeded to sob for the majority of the treatment. Whilst it was an extremely emotional experience, I felt so much better as a result. Over a year’s worth of pent up grief released.
Willow, United Kingdom
Client(farmer) having been tossed by two bulls and been In pain for almost a year. Doctors couldn’t suggest anything other than pain killers for his back and legs and being in hospital for pain, didn’t help! Some days by all accounts he couldn’t get out of bed, because the pain was so bad, he also had trouble sleeping. The doctor had suggested he came for a Reiki treatment as he felt that he had tried everything. He had a one and half hour session. I got a phone call the following day to say he had the best night’s sleep in months and no pain at all. He couldn’t get over the improvement.
Carole P, United Kingdom
Provided Reiki to a woman in hospice for over a year and she was expected to continue indefinitely due to pulmonary problems. After less than a week of Reiki she passed peacefully as Reiki gave her peace and permission, I.e., it was okay for her to move on.
Saved me from an abusive relationship
Cath S, United Kingdom
In this time of social distancing my mother has felt the benefits of distant healing. It has been a blessing that I learned Reiki in the same year as lockdown both for her and for me to feel I am close to her.
Susan T, Scotland
Curing my cancer cells.
SMB, United Kingdom
How Reiki found me at low point in my life. It helped me see the correct path to take.
Sally G, England
I lost my son suddenly, Reiki gave me focus to begin with, but over the years its helped with my grief and ability to cope.
Reiki was the only thing that helped me work through my grief following the death of my beloved husband.
SAY, United Kingdom
A desperate friend who was reluctant to try Reiki, was suffering from insomnia for weeks. She agreed on receiving Reiki and fell asleep straight away (distance session), waking up feeling fresh and relaxed.
Cherry Rourou, Australia
A painful tooth that had been flaring up for over a year, on and off, never troubled my client again after one session.
Sheri W, United Kingdom
I have a friend that is very ocd/anxious. I make Reiki toys which I send distance to. I gave her a toy and her husband came home to find her sitting down watching a movie cuddling her toy. We were all amazed as this is the first time she has ever sat through a whole movie.
Ronim, Australia
It has helped improve my relationship tremendously.
Uma, India
Lady had a problem conceiving! She has been trying for over 10 years! 5 treatments and she became pregnant.
Sharon C, United Kingdom
A co-worker had a sore lower back after a long day on her motorcycle. Within 15 minutes of starting Reiki, her pain completely disappeared, and her mood was much better.
Sandy K, USA
Once in the middle of the night I woke up with sensations of glass shards in my throat (acid reflux that hurt my throat lining). I did Reiki on the throat region (with complete intention and focus) and could feel the sensation slowly easing off after some minutes and after about half an hour, it went off totally. That healing re-affirmed my belief in Reiki and the ability to heal ourselves.
Karen Ooi, Malaysia
I volunteer at a cancer hospice, have watched tumours disappear and prolong terminal diagnosis by months and years.
Lyn D, Canada
After treatment, my husband stopped drinking and has been sober for a year. My mother has had chronic back pain for decades and gets pain relief from treatment that can last for days. She's even taken her Level 1 & 2 class now! After my master class, deceased loved ones starting coming in during Reiki sessions and medium ship circles.
Julie S, USA
I have had a few. The story that comes to mind is a 30 year old had brain surgery and during surgery she had a stroke. She was not able to walk, talk and her whole left side was nonfunctional. I gave her distant Reiki through her operation and while she was in hospital. She had to go to another state to have her surgery. When she returned back to Victoria she went for rehabilitation. From then I went and gave her Reiki several time s a week and when she came home, I continued. By this time she was walking with a stick, talking and after a time went back to work part time. I continued giving her Reiki weekly. That was 2 years ago. She now has 2 children who are very healthy being Reiki babies. I taught her and her husband Reiki. I have the honour of being their first child’s (a boy) god mother. I moved interstate but am in touch with them and return to see them regularly. I have a beautiful connection with all four of them. I am very blessed.
Dense she Haffenden, Australia
Dealing with the overbearing grief of losing my dad to cancer. One session lifted the weight of anxiety I had carried for a year - it never came back. That was my intro to Reiki and knew I wanted to give the gift of Reiki to others.
Kathy B, England
A client was told she needed an operation as a broken bone in her shoulder was not healing properly. We did Reiki once or twice a week sometimes as she was in a lot of pain. Two months later the operation was cancelled as she was no longer in pain and the doctor said her bone had healed properly.
Dany, Great Britain
Pain resolved for a client with chronic pain.
N, United Kingdom
A client had been through a traumatic labour that culminated in an emergency C-section. For five years she had been unable to touch her stomach. After her first session she left weeping, wept for hours when got home. After her second session she was elated and wanted to learn how to free up her C-section scar.
RB, New Zealand
Speaking my truth, facing a fear, confronting lovingly and feeling extreme heat and healing in my solar plexus.
Cindy H, USA
I used to get regular cystitis, but when my then master treated my kidney area, I never got a bout on that side again.
Natalie L, Scotland
That would be with my cat. She came to us a very angry, emotionally neglected girl. Through giving her Reiki sessions she has become a calm, loving and visibly affectionate cat.
Carole R, United Kingdom
Doing distance Reiki for a Facebook friend's brother. He had pneumonia. As I proceeded I could tell and verified later it was in his right lung fields. As I proceeded I sensed and saw in my minds eye, the opacities dissipate. The next day his vital signs improved. Another, a stage IV lung cancer patient in person treatment - the incredible amount of heat when working over the heart chakra/lung fields in person had me sweating and seemingly shaking.
Craig Fabian, USA
My husband had some sudden chest pains and panicked. I administered some 'emergency Reiki' placing one hand on chest and the other on back. I could see a green line of light in my head, like you might see on a pc 'loading'. When the green line had fully 'loaded' it was like a signal for me to let go, the panic subsided, and the pain had gone. Not sure exactly what happened but it was a real 'wow' moment for both of us.
I have a client that struggled with his mobility for years due to needing a knee operation. After giving them Reiki it vastly improved.
JM. United Kingdom
My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer in March last year and was given 6 months to live. He receives only palliative care, but also receives Reiki on a daily basis. He is still with us, although I know he won't be for too much longer, and I am grateful for every extra day I get to spend with him.
Elaine B, United Kingdom
I went to a Reiki gathering a few weeks after an emergency salpingectomy for an ectopic pregnancy. I was given an extremely powerful feeling Reiki treatment from the teacher during a group exercise. A couple of months later I was pregnant with my son.
ML, England
My own recovery from cancer.
Teresa N, United Kingdom
Reiki helped my husband heal his knees from needing a cane to walk. In his early 20’s he cycled cross-country from DC to NV, which put too much strain on the discs and ligaments in his knees. He needed a walking cane afterward when his knees became sore from just a regular day of walking. Within one session with me (only a few years later) he totally recovered and hasn’t needed his cane since.
Danielle L, USA
Doing Reiki on drug and alcohol clients as part of my social work role. Offered short 20 min sessions to 6 women, all unknown to me and all had never experienced Reiki previously. After each session, short discussion about how they felt, what if anything they experienced and ALL clients stated they were amazed they felt sensations in areas of their bodies they had difficulties with e.g. sore muscles, chronic pain areas, history of migraines, etc. No prior history was exchanged between us before sessions, just a lovely willingness of the clients to open themselves up to the healing. All shared their own experiences between each other and myself after the sessions. Made me realise - again -this works!
Lisa M, Australia
A gentleman who had lost feeling in one of his legs was able to feel again after a Reiki treatment. I was feeling bubbling and twitching sensations when I was treating the leg.
Anne M, South Wales
Stopped my wife from being sick though Chemotherapy.
CM, United Kingdom
Having worked within hospice, using Reiki on ne patient in particular stands out. Diagnosed with MND and in a wheelchair, I provided weekly Reiki to this patient and his wife . Within 6 months he was walking again with just a walking stick and 2 years on, that is still the case . His MND is still there but has stabilised and his overall condition has improved.
B Hillewaert, United Kingdom
One of my dogs was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The vet school prognosis was two weeks. I brought him home and treated him with Reiki, love and positivity. He lived a couple of months shy of 5 years post prognosis.
Annie R, Scotland
Seeing a lady whose life was ruled by panic to becoming calm and coping.
EH, England
Only one of many - my husband also Reiki trained. I accidentally dropped a heavy vacuum cleaner on top of my foot. I bruise easily and anticipated a tremendous black bruise. Also severe pain I could not put weight on that foot. Asked my husband to Reiki the foo - tremendous pain as he gave it, but 15 minutes later it was completely healed. I was back on my feet doing heavy work and absolutely no bruising, not even the next day, it was just gone!
Carolyn K, USA
After my first Reiki treatment, I felt like I was living in heaven for the next 6 days. The lightness, peace and joy was an incredible change.
Anon, Australia
A Reiki application when travelling in Japan with a friend who is a Master – I was hemorrhaging with a very heavy period to the point where I wanted to seek medical advice. She gave me Reiki and the bleeding stopped within 20 mins.
Katherine W, United Kingdom
Learning Reiki for myself led to my training to become a Reiki Master, which eventually gave me the tools and the opportunity to teach my sister Reiki 1. Since then, she has trained with my teacher at Level 2 and our relationship as sisters and individuals has blossomed and deepened beautifully. We don't argue very much, but if we find ourselves in a heated disagreement, there is a deep level of respect and compassion we have towards ourselves and each other that wasn't present before. Being on a similar path of spirituality, both having Reiki has deepened our sense of awareness and understanding of our shared childhood trauma to allow those wounds to heal and see that life is a continuous healing journey that's never quite truly done -- we keep showing up for ourselves and each other and trust that life will take us where we need to be.
Clare C, Singapore
A client came in for healing a past childhood trauma. Their life transformed after Reiki and they were able to live their life from a place of love, peace, acceptance, something they were unable to do before.
Karen T, Singapore
Mostly cured my 17 year long struggle with bad chronic eczema through Reiki. My doctor and naturopath were amazed.
NB, Singapore
I just completed Reiki 1 and my 3 year old was sick with bronchitis - I put my hands on her chest (lungs) and she said that the cracks were filling up and the bleeding was stopping.
Miki Massey, Indonesia
Able to send distance Reiki to my nephew, who had a head injury and was in a coma after an accident. Presently he is out of the coma and is coming around slowly. Hoping he will get up soon and be able to ambulate.
Agai aka Mrs Nathan, Singapore
My partner came home with a migraine and he literally couldn't stand or sit. I wanted to help him so I asked for permission to Reiki, but I felt I shouldn't be next to him. What popped up in my mind was the following: guided meditation so that he could lie in bed with lights off and I could send him Reiki from the other room. Towards the end I could feel his panting and choking. I rushed in the other room and he looked at me with worry while confirming that he couldn't breathe, he felt a burden in his chest. I put my hands on his throat chakra and stayed there for a while, then third eye and then crown (I had no clue what I was doing). When I completed what I thought I should, he fell asleep till next morning. He woke up before me and his feedback was that he had the best sleep ever. Bliss bliss!
S.A., Singapore
Son had asthma. Giving Reiki made a huge difference.
AM, Singapore
My mother’s death - as she was going through her cancer treatment, she kept telling me I needed to do something with my hands to help heal people. I was already a massage therapist, but she insisted that was not it. 3 days after she passed a friend approached me who was a Reiki healer (which I didn’t know at the time) she told me about my mother and that she had “come” to her in her sleep. She asked me if I would be interested in learning Reiki and that’s where my journey started - that was 7 years ago this May. I have never looked back and my learning continues, Reiki has helped me with the grief around my mother and also helped me embraced the gift she left me. Thank you, Mama, for showing me a beautiful path.
Niki H, Singapore
My husband and I are now much better with each other.
SS, Canada
On a regular day, had an altercation with the house help. Went and did some Reiki and handled the situation more calmly, with better listening skills.
Tina T, Singapore
One client came with significant bleeding from uterine walls and was advised to have a hysterectomy. She was a Reiki student and I supported herself healing with Reiki sends. Post 3 weeks, she fully recovered, and her surgery was cancelled.
Pooja A, Singapore
My then-husband was having some terrible lower back pain, and nothing was alleviating it. He was a real skeptic, had no belief in Reiki but one night he was desperate and asked me to work on him. So, as we were lying in bed, I placed my hands on his lower back and fell asleep. The next morning, he told me "Never do that again. You fell asleep with the Reiki turned on and I woke up at 3am and shit my brains out." It alleviated his back pain and a few months later got his level 1 attunement.
Joy B, Canada
My brother, who was given three months to live as a result of inoperable lung cancer, went into remission and survived for five more years. He never had Reiki before but requested it after the diagnosis. He reported feeling more relaxed, little side effects from chemotherapy and able to live with his condition in a more positive way.
JC, Australia
Working with my husband who was given 3 months to live with lung cancer. That was 10 years ago. He uses Reiki daily.
Sarah D, New Zealand
My yorky was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago and she was fully resigned. Reiki brought her back to vitality, so we were able to go through surgery and she healed real fast! I did my tooth implants and doctors were continuously impressed how fast I was healing after the operations. All went very smoothly.
Riina, Philippines
My client, a woman in her late 80s, fell and broke five ribs, severely puncturing a lung. She was told she could have surgery, which she might not survive, or not, but she would be on oxygen for the rest of her life. She chose not to have the surgery. After a week, she was not doing well at all and was not expected to make it through the night. Her daughter asked me to send her Reiki that evening, which I did. The next day, her daughter texted me to say her mother had sat up in bed that morning to eat her breakfast, then asked for a second plate. By that afternoon, she had walked to the sink and brushed her hair and teeth! That was five or six years ago, and she is still with us—without an oxygen tank!
Somebody struggling with dangerous high blood pressure had one remarkable lowering after a particularly powerful session.
Anne, United Kingdom
When my client was in the ER and ICU, I watched her heart rate and blood pressure lower. Her anxiety lessened greatly.
Kim Goren, USA
Healing for a friend and having IBS symptoms disappear and did not return.
Anne-Marie, England
To release stress or pain.
N.P., Austria
A lady had a very long seizure. I was holding her hand as she was coming around as she was groaning and distressed. Reiki started to flow. I did not have permission but every time I wanted to let go of her hand and tried she would not let go. I believe the Reiki helped her gain consciousness more quickly when she was ready to sit up she key go of my hand. I noticed the Reiki flowed 3 times during while I was holding her hand. Each time she became noticeably calmer. It was beautiful to see.
DL, United Kingdom
Colleague was very upset and very skeptical about Reiki helping to calm her down but let me try. She was blown away by how quickly she felt my hands heat up and how she felt the calm actually moving through her body like a wave. Told me after that she really didn’t believe I could do anything to help with my Reiki, but she couldn’t dispute that it helped calm her as she could actually feel it having an impact on her physically and emotionally.
Cath M, Australia
Most of my wow stories are around health. So, back pain. A few days back I had a chest pain and because of COVID no way I could keep going to the doctor. So, I Reiki’d it like mad. I did get a heart checkup done but there was nothing to worry. However, the pain was due to costochondritis. The Reiki self-treatment helped me to heal that faster (that was my sense).
NDG, Singapore
Helped kids to recover when they were sick (cough, fever relief). Help myself with my low back pain.
Natalie S, Singapore
The emergency C-section in 2013. I was calm and recovered quickly with little medication. Also, my son is very intuitive, connected.
Jessica Williams, Vietnam
My daughter was diagnosed with scoliosis as a pre-teen and was devastated when the doctors informed her that she had to wear a brace if her condition didn't improve by the next check. So, I Reiki’d her consistently and we were both over the moon when her spine curvature actually improved significantly. Ten years on, her spine is doing well. It's not perfect but it didn't worsen. So grateful for Reiki.
Fiona Koh, Singapore
The physical healing of injuries has been remarkable - Ultra quick healing, Low pain despite injury being hard, no scars, no medical intervention (touch wood).
Pallavi, Singapore
A small child’s fever went down with just five minutes of distance Reiki send after the child had suffered from a very high fever that didn’t go down for over four days.
Tharanga, Singapore
Not so much a "wow" story, I think Reiki has in a way prevented me from going into prolong dark hole of depression, and that I could better catch myself prior spiraling into prolong negativity and hopelessness sooner than later.
My son was born prematurely and got daily Reiki from myself and other Reiki friends/practitioners. He was the only premi that would not need blood testing every Monday when the doctors did their rounds as they always said he was moving about like a ball of energy. With the help of Reiki his Retinopathy of prematurity was healed, with one eye being at stage 4 (partially detached retina) - no medical intervention was required either as it had totally healed itself. I am so thankful that I had Reiki to actively help in his recovery journey, honestly don't know how I would have coped otherwise.
Anon, South Africa
I think I'd go with the same sinusitis story as above. I lived with it for over 20 years, trying all sorts of therapies but it was eventually when I wasn't trying to heal it, that it magically disappeared!
MK, India