Moving on from the Solar Plexus Chakra, we are on to the Heart Chakra in our chakra article series this week. The subject of chakras is actually very extensive, so what we aim to do here is to give you a general overview, as well as suggestions to strengthen and support each chakra.
The Heart Chakra is the centre for unconditional love, trust and compassion, and is the emotional energy center of our body. The Sankrit name Anahata speaks volumes about the potential of this chakra – it means “unstruck” or “unhurt”. The core of our heart chakra is wholeness, boundless love and compassion. Located in the centre of the chest, It is the bridge between our lower three chakras (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus) and our upper three chakras (Throat, Third Eye, Crown), thus considered the seat of balance between our physical (lower three chakras) and spiritual (upper three chakras) selves. The element for the Heart Chakra is Air, and green is this chakra’s primary colour, with pink as the secondary colour. The developmental age of the Heart Chakra is believed to be approximately between the ages of 21 – 28.
The Heart Chakra governs the ability to trust and forgive, love, compassion, and peace. Certain situations create trauma to the Heart Chakra, for instance, grief, divorce/separation, abuse, death, rejection and betrayal – and learning to love yourself is a powerful first step to healing the Heart Chakra, where the “wounded child” resides. The Heart Chakra rules the heart, lungs, breasts, blood, shoulders, arms, and hands. When our heart chakra is balanced, we are able to connect with harmony and peace, and love unconditionally. We are joyful, courageous, compassionate, hopeful and inspired. We are able to trust and forgive, and have healthy emotional relationships.
On the flip side, an unbalanced Heart Chakra may show up as fear, withholding of love, hopelessness, hatred, anger, despair or depression. There may be difficult relationships with emotional dependence and conditions, as well as an inability to forgive or trust.
Nourishing your Heart Chakra and keeping it in balance
Affirmations, a balanced diet, “chakracises”, and integrating the colour green into your wardrobe are some ways to keep your Heart Chakra healthy and in balance. Below are some suggestions on what you can do:
I am loved. I forgive naturally and easily. I forgive myself. I am at peace. I have so much to be grateful for. My heart is full. I am open to love.
Leafy vegetables: spinach, kale, dandelion greens, etc.
Air vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, squash, etc.
Liquids: green teas
Spices: basil, sage, thyme, cilantro, parsley
Go swimming and do breast stroke, do push-ups, hug yourself
Rose, Rosewood, Jasmine, Bergamot, Pine, Eucalyptus.
Emerald brings harmony to your heart, allows patience, honesty and understanding within yourself.
Rose Quartz enhances love on all levels (self, familial, romantic, and platonic), and diminishes effect of negative emotions especially towards yourself.
Peridot protects the Heart Chakra, cleanses the heart of negative emotions and brings optimism to the user.
Rhodochrosite connects you to your inner child. Brings love and compassion for yourself, and courage and creativity.
Unakite helps strengthen the Heart Chakra, and removes emotional blockages from the heart, excellent to help user through grief.