This safe space is for you to grow, learn, share, and rest. We are all in this together and we all are strengthened by each others' capacity to love, be vulnerable, show up, and be generous with our energy. Every one of us contributes to the overall energy and capacity of the container - as it grows, so do we.
This community relies on all of us contributing and showing up as our authentic, unapologetic selves. There is no judgement here, no opinions are better or worse, we are all doing our best, we are all enough.
When you are responding, commenting or posting do take a moment to consider -
Is your language loving and coming from the heart?
Is your intention to grow yourself and others?
Are you showing up fully, authentically and honestly?
Is the energetic impact of what you are writing expanding or contracting?
Please respect the sacred space - all posts, comments and sharing is confidential, you can share your own writing of course, but you may not share the writing of any other member without their express permission. Let's create a safe space.
If you post something I feel is against these guidelines I will drop you a personal note, if you continue to post from a disempowering or contracting space I retain the right to remove you from this community.
The energy of love, empowerment and personal responsibility is very important to the success of this container, I know you will treasure this sacred space as much as I do. Please share yourself generously!
Love Elaine