So, today we were all shown the power of group work - just as we finished talking about community, and the strength and power of community, my internet crashed! As I logged back in on my phone, the group had gathered itself and arranged to do a group send instead, the "whoosh" of energy was incredible and I sat joining the group as a thankful participant soaking up all the juicy vibes and reflecting on how amazing this group is.
The whole point of self-empowered action is that we take personal initiative, and do what is right for ourselves. The community, when we find the right one, then provides a support network and an amplified voice. When we are part of a community like this we learn to grow together and not have a reliance on one particular person or ideology.
We are in this to keep steady, support each other, and be beacons of light. We come together to nourish ourselves and then go out into our wider communities to help hold them steady - and in so doing we provide a cascading and ever growing presence of positivity.
There was a question posed in the gathering today around "how to hold steady and stay on the New Earth path" - it's certainly difficult when people around us are in a lot of negativity and fear. For me I have found my Reiki practice has kicked up a notch - I find myself doing more afternoon 15min Chakra balancing exercises. I have also taken to listening to these recordings of the meditations - I find I can tune into our group energy and I can feel the love and strength of this group. It feels very similar to being in the group gathering itself.
Enjoy the Lions Gate tomorrow! Remember to roar!! 😁 and thank you for keeping calm and carrying on 🤗
Yes, definitely the group energy is a very special one!